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Terms and Conditions:


'Us', 'We', 'The Platform', 'The Portal', and any other implication thereof, herein, directly refers, to: 'BitMar', and/or 'BitMar Networks.'




We are not responsible for any loss or inconvenience you may encounter in any way while visiting or using any of our services and/or products (including third-parties and/or third-party services.) This includes, but does not limit to, data loss, inaccurate information, financial loss, data corruption, virus and/or spywares and other ads software installed by any third party provider on your computer.


In some cases... you may need to purchase and/or install third-party software and/or hardware devices, if not already available on your system (all necessary software/hardware is sold/distributed separately, unless otherwise explicitly expressed.) These include – but does not limit to – video players, unzipping software, receivers, hardware devices, tablets, smart phones, computers, TVs, smart displays, monitors, plug-ins, Internet browser/s, et cetera.


Some providers may require that you establish a valid account with them (either paid, or free), in order to access their content. In some instances, you may need a V.P.N. or Proxy service, in order to access some of the international content. Since each country's laws are different, any information, or link, provided to acquire such services, does not automatically imply full legality of the service, within your jurisdiction, and/or specific situation.


It is our users' responsibility; to frequently visit our website, in order to remain updated with the information provided, herein, and on our website. We guarantee that all information provided is as accurate as to the best of our knowledge. Therefore, provided "as is"  (without any promises or guarantees of any kind.)


User agrees to use any products/services listed in our software at its own risk. This may include, but does not limit to, external links, and/or the usage of information and/or using any other third party services linked to by our application/s and/or website/s  (directly or indirectly.)


We do not ensure that every single transaction and/or experience will be error-free; including, but not limiting to, our website, online forum/s, Social Media entities and/or support center. To the best of our knowledge, most information is provided is either accurate, or within possibility.


Although we constantly strive to provide an accurate product, there are instances where discrepancies may occur.


Any references that may imply indefinite access to BitMar, and/or any of its features, including – but not limited to words, such as: 'for life', 'lifetime', 'unlimited', et cetera – are, hereby, defined, as: 'indefinite access to the BitMar platform, for as long as it is available.' In other words: the word 'life' is being referred to, as: "the 'life' of BitMar" – and not the buyer's/user's 'life.' All BitMar products, and services, are hereby offered 'as is,' without any guarantee that all content, and/or access to the BitMar platform/service, will forever be active, and/or accessible.


Any information provided, by Us (including, but not limiting to; from our website, forums, emails, advertising, et cetera) is not intended to serve as legal advice.


Any BitMar giveaway, sweepstake, and/or promotion, may allow many to enter/participate, while few may actually win—if any.


We reserve the right to cancel/close/delete/disable/block your service, license (personal and/or organizational), and/or account/s, for any reason, at our discretion, without the right to any financial reparations, as we see fit.


BitMar and/or its third-party providers may run commercials/ads on their content/channels. Some advertisements may still be delivered, especially (but not limited to) if you opt-in to receive Push notifications/messages, from BitMar—even if using the paid service. Some native, and 'launcher' apps, on some devices, may also display ads.


Most channels are available on-demand. Some content may be internationally-restricted. Channel database may be constantly updated.




Each device may render the BitMar service/app uniquely and/or differently from other devices (even render it in a useless manner)—even if the device/operating system is, technically, supported. BitMar considers any device ultimately able to render its Progressive Web App (at minimum usability; at BitMar's sole discretion) to be compatible with the BitMar platform. This does not include any third-party/ies listed within the platform. Some BitMar native apps may not be compatible with some auto dashboard displays; but usually with most stand-alone passengers' displays.


BitMar supports all stream-able video/audio formats and resolutions, including: SD, HD, 2K, 3K, 4K, 4K+, 8K, 12K, 16K, 18K, U.H.D., et cetera. However, specific user resolution, and quality, depends greatly on the file's limitations (how it was recorded/published), and your device's processing capabilities, and connection speed.




BitMar pricing may vary by market, and/or through special promotions. We reserve the right to update/change any information and/or offer, within these set of terms, this website, and/or any other third-party-hosted intellectual properties ran/managed by BitMar and/or any of its subsidiaries, at any time, without any prior consultation with our users. This includes, but does not limit, to pricing offers, benefits, features, et cetera.




Displayed star ratings and usage information are crude averages (sometimes, not technically-accurate), obtained from third-parties, and/or reviewers. 'Last Edited/Reviewed' tags on our blog/forum/website/Social Media signify technical edits—and may not necessarily imply that all of the information therein has been recently reviewed and/or updated. Our own star-voting system results are also included in the overall, star-rating results you may see displayed on our website and/or app/s.


The BitMar platform (including, but not limited to: its website, apps, blogs, forums, and Social Media channels) may contain affiliate marketing links, which means: that we may get paid commission on sales of those products/services. We may also, at our discretion, list paid content, on the BitMar platform, including—but not limited, to: content that may have been paid for, to be listed. (This disclosure is provided in accordance with the U.S. Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR � 255.5: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.)


All brands and/or third-parties listed/mentioned/linked-to/displayed/rendered/accessible, on the BitMar platform – other than the BitMar brand – belong to their respective owners. No endorsements and/or affiliations are necessarily implied with any source or third-party. Other than, perhaps, a limited affiliation (in which some of these third-parties may provide us some benefit/s; including financial gains), we do not claim neither ownership, nor any type of unlimited, "official" partnership with any third-party entity listed; including, but not limited to: brands, content providers, streamers, TV channels/networks, media content, services, products, and/or any other fictitious TV channel/s listed.


User ideas and/or suggestions – expressed, and/or implied – may be used by BitMar, without any financial, and/or any other form of compensation. We may, however (at our discretion), provide indirect credit to any idea/suggestion, by not deleting the original post on our forum (if our forum was used to convey/communicate the idea/suggestion.) This, however, does not mean that we have a responsibility to do so. Additionally, BitMar reserves the right to feature – or not feature – any content, as we see fit; without any guarantees that any particular piece of content – submitted, suggested, and/or otherwise – will be added, and/or accessible, through its platform.


Although most providers are free, some providers may require a separate membership. Others, may require that you rent/purchase content, digitally. Although most content is free, not all content is free, and/or accessible at once (some content may become available, at the content owner's discretion.)


All images displayed within the BitMar platform, and/or from any of its intellectual properties, including – but not limited to: its website/s, blog/s, forum/s, Social Media channels, et cetera – are used for illustration purposes, only. In no way does BitMar ensure that such images represent a technically-accurate representation of its products, and/or its services.


While BitMar may provide access to billions of videos (most of which may be ad-free), some videos, and sections, may include ads; which BitMar may not be able to block, or prevent from displaying.


Some sections on our platform may link to third-parties, in many different ways; including, as: a framed link. These third-parties may vary, and normally include – but are not limited, to – search engines' websites, and/or search-results pages; especially, from: Bing (no endorsements and/or affiliation is implied.) These third-parties may, in turn, link-to, host, embed and/or provide access to other parties and/or to their content, as well.


BitMar does not claim ownership to any type of content, accessible through its platform, unless otherwise-instructed and/or directly-implied.


Customer support is overseen by our staff; but it is mostly provided by a community of BitMar volunteers and advanced users.


BitMar licenses are not transferable to other parties, without the written consent of BitMar Networks.


BitMar may occasionally send you D.M.s (Direct Messages), and/or any other form of messages, and/or communications; which may resemble commercial intent, at its sole discretion—even if you are a paid user. BitMar normally considers such messages, as ads, if they were produced by a third-party. However, that is not the case, when BitMar is the direct messenger of such messages.


Our hybrid (human/machine-based) authorizing system is designed with trust in mind. When someone claims that they have purchased a BitMar Elite membership... we will grant them what we call: a "Level-One authorization"—even if we cannot verify them, using the provided information, at the moment. At Level-One, the account is up and running, simply on trust; but there is a catch: As the user continues to use the BitMar Elite service, we may continue to try to verify the account, through either the I.P. address, browser cookies, email address, device information and/or coupon code—through whatever relation/s we may detect, therein. If that fails – and the user continues to use the paid service, without actually paying for it – we may eventually shut down the account (whether it is a real, or a "ghost", account.) The user's I.P. address/es may also be blocked (along with any future I.P. address/es that can be linked to the same user.) At that point... the user in question may never again be allowed to use the BitMar platform. This would be the ultimate "banned-for-life" situation. Fortunately, this rarely happens (according to our records, most people are actually very honest.) With the aforesaid in mind... we strongly recommend that you, please, do not try to abuse our trust-based system. If so, you risk the chance of being blocked, indefinitely. (This system allows us to be flexible, while helping us to better-deploy our human resources; only when needed.)


We reserve the right to edit, and/or delete, your posts/replies on any of our intellectual properties; including, but not limiting to: our help section/s, blogs, and/or any forums created/maintained, and/or hosted by BitMar Networks (even if externally-hosted)... especially, but not limited to: if you engage in what BitMar would consider to be 'non-constructive' behavior.


Different devices run either native BitMar apps, the BitMar Web App, BitMar browser extensions, or cast/mirror from an external device (running any of the aforesaid BitMar alternatives.)


You, also, hereby agree to refrain from pursuing legal actions against BitMar, its employees, affiliates, and partners—unless the situation violates your American-government-issued rights (if applicable.) In the event of a dispute, you hereby agree to pursue legal arbitration, instead of lawsuit actions.


By visiting our website/s and/or using any of our services, you agree that the laws of the United States and, specifically, those of the country, and state, of which BitMar is legally registered, without regard to principles of conflict of laws, will govern these Terms and Conditions, and any dispute of any sort that might arise between you and BitMar, et al. Any dispute or claim arising out of, or in connection with this Agreement, shall be adjudicated in the country, state, and local county, in which BitMar is also legally registered. By purchasing, and/or using, any of our intellectual properties, becoming an affiliate, and/or involving yourself, in any way, with our firm, you are agreeing to the entirety of the terms listed herein.


You also assure us that you are of U.S. legal age (at least 18 years of age), in a mental state to accept such terms, and to enter a legally-binding contract. This disclosure is provided in accordance with the U.S. Federal Trade Commission's Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (also known as "COPPA"), 15 U.S.C. 6501–6505.




We reserve the right to suspend/disable/delete any affiliate account, without notice, at our discretion; including, but not limited, to: for lack of sales/traffic. In the case of any inability to properly track sales/compensation, for any of our affiliates/partners... BitMar reserves the right to estimate any compensation – if at all – at its sole discretion.


By adding yourself to our public Do-Not-Email List, you acknowledge: that – while this list is published with the intention of allowing affiliates to stop emailing you – some parties may use such information, for other purposes (including: contacting you, and/or selling your email address to other parties.) If this fact worries you, we suggest blocking BitMar-related emails through your email provider's Spam/Junk Filter, and/or through "Rules" capabilities.


Refund Policy:


We have a no-refund policy (all sales – including wholesale – are final.) However, we promise to provide you unlimited download tries (for your personal use.)



Privacy Policy:


We require the collection of your personal information whenever placing an order, contacting us, and/or creating an account with us; for any of our products, and/or services. Your personal information is not published, nor shared with 'non-involved,' third-parties. By contrast, BitMar considers providers, as 'involved,' third-parties, as: any provider that is necessary to provide our services, as we see fit.


BitMar, its affiliates, subsidiaries, service providers, and/or sub-contractors, may use your contact information, for direct communicational purposes—which you can always opt-out (if you ever receive such communication.)


Our website/s, products, and/or services may collect non-personal, general usage information (from each user) through the implementation of Cookies and/or scripts. This statistical/behavioral, non-personal collection of information, includes (but it is not limit, to): the collection of I.P. addresses (which we may use for general location purposes—usually, but not limited to: determining your country, and/or city), among other statistical technicalities, regarding your machine/device. This information helps us to better-tune our capabilities, and meet the demand of our users. Such non-personal data may be hosted through a third-party, usage-solution provider. However, to the best of our knowledge, such general usage information does not contain any data or information that constitutes as personal information.


All information, provided to BitMar, may be retained indefinitely. In some cases, we may find ourselves in a situation; wherein we may have to collaborate, and/or provide information (and/or access to information), to law-enforcement agencies/organizations—especially in, but not limited to: situations wherein such information is being officially requested through proper channels, and/or in situations wherein we believe that there is a high probability of a legal violation, and/or a crime may have been committed. We guarantee that all information provided is as accurate as to the best of our knowledge. Therefore, provided "as is"  (without any promises, or guarantees, of any kind.)





As per our terms, we cannot promise that inappropriate material – in your view or ours – may never appear within our platform.


Since BitMar operates as a search-engine intermediary (without any control on the displayed content)... addressing any claims of infringement (with the actual streaming platform listing the content) is the sole responsibility of the alleged content owner. BitMar does not host any content; but simply presents users with content related to their search—using one, or more (third-party), search engine search results. (Every channel, on BitMar, is technically a 'search-link'; which directs users to content, tagged with the same – and similar – search-keyword/s.)


With the aforementioned in mind... you may also submit a take-down claim, directly to the search engine in question (BitMar is powered by Bing.) No endorsements are necessarily being implied.


To report any other type of abuse, please feel free to reach out to the corresponding authorities, and/or directly to your email provider, and/or Internet-Service Provider (I.S.P.); for any abuse involving their services.


Unfortunately, there is not much that we can do, in most cases—other than direct you to correct entity/entities. Thank you, for your understanding.


By using any of our services/platform... you, hereby, agree to refrain from any form of copying, re-distributing, reverse-engineering, and/or any other related actions; including: aiding and abetting other parties, on such endeavors.


We reserve the right to host, sell, distribute, and/or otherwise publish, any third-party-developer GUI/app, that may be based on our platform, at our discretion.


BitMar channels are defined, as: any U.R.L. to directly, or indirectly, access static, interactive, and/or multimedia content. Some listed channels may be similarly named to other known entities, but may not be necessarily related, in any way. BitMar simply implies that content related, and/or similar to such an entity, may be accessible, through such link/s.


BitMar does not intend to imply that any linked-to content is necessarily being officially licensed, to you (only the BitMar interface is ever licensed); and/or that all sourced content is necessarily affiliated with the perceived official source/channel. Such channels may be links to algorithmically-sourced content—just as a search engine gathers, and displays, content.





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© BitMar Networks. . No endorsements necessarily implied.

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