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BitMar is a next-generation, all-media-in-one streaming platform. In other words: It connects you to millions of full movies, TV shows, channels, videos, and songs, in one place (from different, free worldwide sources on the Web), on the devices that you already own; for a one-time-payment. Why is BitMar so affordable? We have found the perfect streaming model, wherein content creators/owners (TV networks, production studios, etc.) can monetize their creations, through our free traffic, to their content.

Is BitMar legal? Yes. BitMar operates as a content finder, using the same technology behind the Bing search engine. However, unlike most Web search engines, BitMar has been specifically optimized to find you full streaming content, in any language, from anywhere in the World. In fact, the BitMar content-filtering system provides easy access to more movies, and TV shows, than: Cable, Satellite, Netflix, Disney Plus, HBO Max, Amazon Prime Video, and Hulu, combined... and more songs than Pandora, Spotify, Amazon Prime Music, and Apple Music, combined. You may use/display BitMar on virtually any device.


BitMar is distributed, on: either CD-ROM (with download options; for mobile/non-disk devices), or completely virtual; through licensing. Learn more, about BitMar...




● Millions of TV shows and movies

● Over 200,000 channels

● Most content available in HD to 4K

● Billions of videos

● Millions of songs

● Tons of surprise tools and features

● Very clean interface, and streamlined user-experience

● Use on virtually any device view list

● Use a single app/service for all your media

● One-time purchase (no monthly/yearly fees)

● Create and manage a list of your favorite shows, movies, and clips


Learn more, or get started:

Review a quick, licensing presentation

Request a virtual sample

Licensing ($5,000 U.S.D., minimum order.)

Physical units ($1,250 U.S.D., minimum order.)

Generate URL/Web link, coupon, and/or QR codes (for paid, wholesale-licensed clients.)

Customer support



* Providers may run commercials/ads on their content/channels.

Most channels available on-demand. Some channels may be internationally restricted. Channel database constantly updated.


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